The Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation Case Study: Customer Service Bangna Branch of Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited

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Napat Wanthanasin
Dhriwit Assawasirisilp


This study aims 1) to study the level of transformational leadership at Bangna Customer Service, the Siam Commercial Bank Co., LTD 2) to study motivation of employees at Bangna Customer Service, Siam Commercial Bank Co., LTD 3) to study the relationships between transformational leadership and motivation of employees at Bangna Customer Service, Siam Commercial Bank Co., LTD. The sample size of 194 employees from Bangna Customer Service, Siam Commercial Bank Co. with multi-stage sampling, the research instrument utilized in this study was a questionnaire, having an IOC of 0.67-1.00 and overall reliability at 0.93 and having overall work motivation at 0.95. The statistics for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, t-test, One-Way ANOVA, and hypothesis testing using Pearson's Correlation Coefficient with statistical significance level at .05.

The study results showed that 1) the overall perception of transformational leadership at Bangna Customer Service, Siam Commercial Bank Co., LTD was at high level. When considering each aspect, it shows that level of transformational leadership was high in every aspect. 2) The overall motivation of employees at Bangna Customer Service, Siam Commercial Bank Co., LTD. was at high level. 3) Hypothesis testing showed transformational leadership had a positive correlation with work motivation of the employees at Bangna customer service, Siam commercial bank Co., LTD with statistically significant at .05 level.

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How to Cite
Wanthanasin, N., & Assawasirisilp, D. (2021). The Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation Case Study: Customer Service Bangna Branch of Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(2), 232–245. retrieved from


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