A Study of Behaviors and Factors Influencing the Decision-Making Involved of Using a Video Streaming Service in Bangkok

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Ubonwan Dananansuk
Arnon Tubtiang


The objectives of this research were; 1) to study the factors affecting the decision to use the video streaming service in Bangkok, and 2) to study the viewing behavior of users of the video streaming service in Bangkok. The sample was consumers who have used video streaming services 400 people. This researcher used the questionnaire as a research tool. The statistics used for analysis data were frequency, percentage, and Multiple Regression Analysis.

The research found that; 1) service and satisfaction factors Content form factor Technology acceptance factor and marketing promotion factors affecting Deciding to use video streaming services At the statistical significance level .05, 2) The viewing behavior of video streaming business service users found that the sample used Netflix the most. Video streaming service is during working days from Monday to Friday. The most used video streaming service is to watch 1-3 days a week. Most of them use the service at home. The person who has the biggest influence on the decision to use a video streaming service is yourself. The device that users use to watch streaming video the most is Smart Phone.

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How to Cite
Dananansuk , U., & Tubtiang, A. (2021). A Study of Behaviors and Factors Influencing the Decision-Making Involved of Using a Video Streaming Service in Bangkok. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(2), 217–231. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/254790


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