The Traditional Activity Participation Model of Lampang Community for Conservation and Inheritance Culture through Creative Tourism: Ban Sop-Luen

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Napawan Netpradit
Boonthawan wi


The purposes of this study were; 1) to analyze traditional wisdom of Lampang community participation for conservation and inheritance the local identity culture: Ban Sop-Luen, 2) to classify traditional wisdom through the integration of participatory activities of Lampang community for conservation and inheritance the local identity culture: Ban Sop-Luen, and 3) to link the traditional activity participation model of Lampang community for conservation and inheritance the local identity through creative tourism: Ban Sop-Luen. The sampling group consisted of 35 local wisdom scholars, seniors and community representatives using a purposive sampling method. The data obtained from observation, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions using participatory action research.

The results revealed that; 1) the cultural attractions in Ban Sop-Luen consist of ancient temples, historic site with historical traces remain visible, ancient architecture of local buildings, urban structures and ruins. 2) the local wisdom of the villager in Ban Sop-Luen is the discovery of each and applied in daily life. Solving problems and creating morale until crystallized the knowledge in the community. 3) The local wisdom of the villager in Ban Sop-Luen classify as: art wisdom, handicraft wisdom, herbal wisdom, folk medicine wisdom, food wisdom, wisdom of Thai classical dance music and folk performances, and ritual wisdom. 4) The traditional activity model of villager in Ban Sop-Luen for creative tourism, consisting of the traditional activity model base on the way of life, traditions, beliefs, and the traditional activity model base on wisdom.

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How to Cite
Netpradit, N., & wi, B. (2021). The Traditional Activity Participation Model of Lampang Community for Conservation and Inheritance Culture through Creative Tourism: Ban Sop-Luen. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(2), 47–63. retrieved from


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