The Priority Needs of School Management Development of Bangkok Metropolitan Schools in Nongkhaem District Office Based on the Concept of Total Quality Management

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Bongkotkarn Jamjuree
Nuntarat Charoenkul


The objective of this research was to study the priority needs of school management development of Bangkok Metropolitan schools in Nongkhaem district office based on the concept of total quality management. The populations were 6 Bangkok Metropolitan schools in Nongkhaem district. The research informants consisted of 207 school administrators and teachers (school director 1 person, deputy school director 10 persons and teacher 196 persons) by simple random sampling. The research instrument used in this study was a 5 rating-scaled questionnaire. The data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Modified Priority Needs Index (PNIModified).

The research results turned out as follows. The priority needs of school management development of Bangkok Metropolitan schools based on the concept of total quality management, sorted from the highest to the lowest PNIModified revealed that: 1) Implementing (PNIModified=0.435) with the highest priority need on continuous improvement (PNIModified=0.490) and the lowest priority need on social network (PNIModified=0.391);
2) Evaluating (PNIModified=0.425) with the highest priority need on continuous improvement (PNIModified=0.490), while the lowest priority need on social network (PNIModified=0.375);
3) Planning (PNIModified=0.375) with the highest priority need on continuous improvement (PNIModified=0.413) and the lowest priority need was participation from community members (PNIModified=0.347).

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How to Cite
Jamjuree, B., & Charoenkul, N. (2021). The Priority Needs of School Management Development of Bangkok Metropolitan Schools in Nongkhaem District Office Based on the Concept of Total Quality Management. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(2), 31–46. retrieved from


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