Professional Skills and Accountants Performance Standards Affecting the Quality of Financial Statement Report

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Paisorn Soongsombat


The objective of this research was to test relationship of professional skills of the accountants that affect to the quality of financial statement reports. The sample groups used in the research are the owners, the leaders, or the executives of 97 accounting firms that are authorized by the Revenue Department. Questionnaires are used to collect data and the data is analyzed by descriptive statistics inference statistics including Pearson Correlation Coefficient and multiple regression are also used to analysis.

The study was found that the quality of the financial statement report as a whole is related to professional skills in all 4 areas: intellectual skills, interpersonal and communication skills, personnel management skills and organization management skills and is correlated to the operational standards in two areas, which are the professional compliance with concerned professional standards and academic standards  and cautiousness. The quality of financial statement report in each of 4 areas, as follow by, understanding, decision making, reliability, and comparability, are related to professional skills in all 4 areas and the operational standards in both areas with statistical significance level of .05 and multiple regression analysis between professional skills of the accountants that affect the quality of financial statement reports with statistical significance level of .01

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How to Cite
Soongsombat, P. (2021). Professional Skills and Accountants Performance Standards Affecting the Quality of Financial Statement Report. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(1), 272–284. retrieved from


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