Management Factors Affecting the Operation under the Concept of Being a Green Industry: Case study Thermal Power Plants

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Jareen Iamsupasit
Somyos Awakiat
Sanit Sirivisitkul


The objective of this research was to study the management factors affecting the operation under the concept of being a green industry: case study Thermal power plants. The sample group were select from officer in management level 178 samples who work in thermal power plants with convenience random sampling 124 samples. The statistical analyses were made for means, standard deviation, and statistical associations by Multiple Regression Analysis.

According to hypothesis testing, it was found that factors of commanding, controlling, planning and coordinating could be combinedly used to predict to the level of being a green industry at with an average of 88.8% (Adjusted R2 =.888) which was statistically significant at .01

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How to Cite
Iamsupasit, J., Awakiat, S., & Sirivisitkul, S. (2021). Management Factors Affecting the Operation under the Concept of Being a Green Industry: Case study Thermal Power Plants. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(1), 215–225. retrieved from


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