A Study of the Current State, Desirable State and Need Analysis for School Management Development of Model Schools under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2 Based on The Concept of Inclusive Education

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Nisa Sunil
Nantarat Charoenkul


The objectives of this research were to study the current state and desirable state of the Model Schools under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2 based on the concept of inclusive education, according to the concept of inclusive education using the school administration framework and the SEAT framework which consisting of 4 important components: 1) S-Student; 2) E-Environment; 3) Teaching and learning activities; and 4) T-Tools. Informants were obtained from purposive sampling: 18 administrators and 210 teachers, 228 informants in total. The instrument used in this research was a 5 rating scaled questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Modified Priority Needs Index. (PNImodified).

The results of the research revealed that: the current state of the model schools under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2 based on the concept of inclusive education, according to the concept of inclusive education, overall, was at the moderate level, with the highest mean on Academic Administration. As for the desirable state of the model schools under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2 based on the concept of inclusive education, according to the concept of inclusive education, overall, was at the high level, with the highest mean on personnel management. The modified priority needs Index for model schools under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2 based on the concept of inclusive education in accordance with the concept of educational management, the aspect with the highest need was general management, followed by budget management, while the lowest need fell on academic administration.

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How to Cite
Sunil, N., & Charoenkul, N. (2021). A Study of the Current State, Desirable State and Need Analysis for School Management Development of Model Schools under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2 Based on The Concept of Inclusive Education. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(1), 44–57. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/251641


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