The Work Performance of Personnel in Palace Police Sub-division, Palace Division, Bureau of the Royal Household

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Supparat Rungruengchotisakun
Vichit Boonsanong


The objectives of this research were to study and compare the work performance of personnel in Palace Police Sub-division, Palace Division, Bureau of the Royal Household. The sample of this research was 196 personnel in Palace Police Sub-division, Palace Division, Bureau of the Royal Household. A questionnaire was used as a research instrument. Data collected were then analyzed using statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and One-Way ANOVA.

The results of this research indicated that overall work performance of the sample was at a high level. When individual aspects were considered, all five aspects, namely: Maintain discipline in operations, Knowledge of work on duty, In time performance, Accuracy in operations, Quality of work, by comparing the work performance, classified by personal factors, the results showed that the sample with different gender, marital status, educational level, and monthly income had indifferent opinion towards the work performance of  personnel in Palace Police Sub-division, Palace Division, Bureau of the Royal Household. In contrast, the sample with different age had different opinion with a statistical significance level of .05.

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How to Cite
Rungruengchotisakun, S., & Boonsanong, V. (2020). The Work Performance of Personnel in Palace Police Sub-division, Palace Division, Bureau of the Royal Household. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(3), 235–247. retrieved from


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