Quality of Work Life Affecting Work Motivation among Nursing Lecturer in The Faculty of Nursing, under Higher Education Institution

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Suvimol Jodpimai
Panisa Kaiwong


The purposes of this research were to study, 1) quality of work and work motivation among nursing lecturer in the faculty of nursing, under higher education institution, and 2) quality of work life of nursing lecturer affecting to work motivation among nursing lecturer in the faculty of nursing, under higher education institution. The samples were 210 nursing lecturers. The research instrument was a questionnaire regarding the quality of work life based on the concept of Walton and work motivation base on the concept of Herzberg. The statistics were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis.

The research findings revealed that: 1) quality of work life and work motivation among nursing lecturer in the faculty of nursing, under higher education institution as a whole were found at a high level, and 2) quality of work life of nursing lecturer including with adequate and fair compensation, social integration in organization, safe and healthy environment affect to the work motivation among nursing lecturer in the faculty of nursing, under higher education institution. As shown in the equation;

           Ytot = 0.1848+0.254X1+0.179X5+0.198X2

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How to Cite
Jodpimai, S., & Kaiwong, P. (2020). Quality of Work Life Affecting Work Motivation among Nursing Lecturer in The Faculty of Nursing, under Higher Education Institution. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(3), 194–208. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/248935


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