Teachers’ Motivation to the Role of Overnutrition Prevention of Primary School Students in Nonthaburi Province and the Role that Teachers Should Be

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Nontraree Sajjathram


The purposes of this research were to study 1) The level of motivation of the teachers on the role of overnutrition prevention of students, 2) The teachers' attitude on the role of overnutrition prevention of students, 3) School administrators' opinions and the parents of students on the role of preventing overnutrition among students, and 4) The role that teachers should be to the prevention of overweight students. The research model, mixed quantitative and qualitative research. The sample consisted of 125 primary school teacher in Nonthaburi Province by questionnaire. 10 teachers interviews, assessment forms for school administrators and parents of 18 people. Analyze quantitative data by percentage, average, standard deviation and correlations of variables. Qualitative data by percentage, mean, assessment, interpretation from interview. Build and inductive conclusion by describing the findings. 1) The level of motivation of teachers on the role of prevention of over nutrition job description the relationship between teachers together. Recognition and working conditions high level in all aspects. 2) The relationship between motivation in teacher performance on prevention of overweight role of students. There was no statistically significant positive relationship in all aspects. 3) Teachers' attitude on the role of overnutrition prevention found that the teacher highly agree and the role of overweight prevention in all aspects, namely the operation of the overnutrition prevention system of students monitoring of student nutritional status, school health promotion and lunch preparation for students to prevent over nutrition 4) The role of teachers should be towards the prevention of overweight students, found that it is a suitable role at a high level.

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How to Cite
Sajjathram, N. (2020). Teachers’ Motivation to the Role of Overnutrition Prevention of Primary School Students in Nonthaburi Province and the Role that Teachers Should Be. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(3), 162–176. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/248931


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