The Priority Needs of the Primary Schools Management based on Lean Six-sigma Method

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Sutharat Thawsopa
Nantarat Charoenkul


The purposes of this research were to study, 1) to explore the current and desirable statuses of the primary school management based on LEAN Six Sigma method, and 2) the priority needs of primary school management based on the Lean Six Sigma method. The samples for the multi-stage random sampling were 395 primary schools where the students were not over 120 in total and under the supervision of Office of the Basic Education Commission. They were 1 School Director and 4 teachers in the Administrative position at each school. There were 5 people in the individual school and 1,975 samples in total. The tool was a set of 5-points Likert-scale questionnaires. The content validity examination by the experts found that item-objective congruence (IOC)=1.00, the statistics used for data analysis were Frequency Distribution, Percentage, Means, Standard Deviation, and Priority Needs analysis ((PNIModified). The result revealed that, 1) to explore the current statuses of the primary school management based on LEAN Six Sigma method was General Management; desirable statuses Budget Management, and 2) the priority needs of the primary school management based on LEAN Six Sigma method had the ranks from the highest to the lowest were Academic Management (PNIModified=0.285), Personnel Management (PNIModified=0.271), Budget Management (PNIModified=0.264), and General Management (PNIModified=0.187) respectively.

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How to Cite
Thawsopa, S., & Charoenkul, N. (2020). The Priority Needs of the Primary Schools Management based on Lean Six-sigma Method. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(3), 149–161. retrieved from


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