Development of Grade 8 Students’ Poetry Writing Skills Using Skill Practice Exercises and Kahoot

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Chonticha Lertvisutthinun
Srisamorn Pumsa-ard


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the ability of poetic writing using skill practice exercise and Kahoot game, compared with the school's scoring criteria at 60%, 2) to compare the ability of poetic writing before and after taught with skill practice exercise and Kahoot game at individual and whole class, and 3) to study students’ opinions towards skill practice exercise and Kahoot game to develop their poetic writing. The sample of this study consisted of 40 grade 8 students. The research instruments consisted of 1) three learning plans, 2) subjective test for poetic writing skills with three items, and 3) six interview issues to ask students’ opinions towards using skill practice exercise and Kahoot game. Self-learning management was conducted by the researcher. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test used to compare the ability of poetic writing between pretest and post-test phases and content analysis.

The results of this study indicated that: 1) the ability of poetic writing of all students was higher than the specified criteria 60% by and large students was excellent level, 2) the increase in the post-test measurement score of all students and the ability of poetic writing was higher than before with a statistical significance level of .01 and, 3) students viewed that the skill practice exercise and Kahoot game could improve their knowledge and ability of poetic writing have fun with happier learning.

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How to Cite
Lertvisutthinun, C., & Pumsa-ard, S. (2020). Development of Grade 8 Students’ Poetry Writing Skills Using Skill Practice Exercises and Kahoot. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(3), 109–120. retrieved from


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