The Service Quality in Health Tourism of Natural Hot Spring

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Jurairat Chimpalee


This academic article aim to study the service quality in health tourism of natural hot spring source. Health tourism in natural hot springs with recreational purposes have activities to promote or cure. It focuses on physical and mental health, balancing mental and physical conditions. To build the impression and repeat travelling in the future and to be an important role in enhancing the country's tourism and strengthen Thai identity.  From the study result, it is found that the service quality in health tourism of natural hot spring source must consider through the health tourism characteristics of natural hot spring sources in 7 areas, as follows: 1) Resources, 2) Activities, 3) Infrastructure, 4) Cost, 5) Communication, 6) People and, 7) Process. Additionally, it is needed to have a model of service quality measurement consisting of 4 areas such as 1) tangibles, 2) reliability, 3) interest and, 4) skill.

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How to Cite
Chimpalee, J. (2020). The Service Quality in Health Tourism of Natural Hot Spring. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(3), 1–14. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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