The Comparative Study of Factors Influencing Work Behaviors of Generation X and Generation Y Employees in the State Universities in the Northeast Region

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Nichaporn Ritthiboon
Sutana Boonlua


The purposes of this research were to: 1) study the characteristics and work behaviors of Generation X employees, 2) study the characteristics and work behaviors of Generation Y employees, 3) compare the characteristics and work behaviors of Generations X and Y employees, 4) compare the characteristics and work behaviors of Generation X employees, and 5) compare the characteristics and work behaviors of Generation Y employees in the State Universities in the Northeastern region. A questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. There were 317 respondents from Kalasin University, Mahasarakham University, and Nakhon Phanom University.  The statistical techniques used in this research are frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, multiple correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis.

The results indicate that: 1) Generation X employees in the state universities in the Northeastern region has the highest mean score of the agreeableness characteristics, 2) Generation Y has the highest mean score of the openness to experience characteristics, 3) Regarding overall work behavior, Generation X has the highest mean score of following Firm’s Regulations behavior, 4) Generation Y has the highest mean score of job satisfaction behavior, and 5) The results also suggest that Generation X employees have a nature of compromise, rule respectfulness, and dependence of their own knowledge and capabilities. Generation Y employees are always interested in job challenges, achievements, more open-minded, accepting and adapting better of various situations, including job challenging and new things preferences.

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How to Cite
Ritthiboon, N., & Boonlua, S. (2020). The Comparative Study of Factors Influencing Work Behaviors of Generation X and Generation Y Employees in the State Universities in the Northeast Region. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(2), 214–230. retrieved from


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