Consumers’ Attitude in Nonthaburi towards Food Packaging and Utility

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Saowanee Srichannil


The objectives of this study were to: 1) study consumers’ attitude in Nonthaburi towards food packaging, 2) study consumers’ attitude towards the utility of food packaging, 3) compare consumers’ attitude towards food packaging, classified by personal factors, and 4) compare consumers’ attitude towards food packaging utility classified by personal factors. The tools used for data collection were Questionnaires using the 5 level estimation scale with tool consistency values. By an expert (IOC) equal to 0.60-1.00 and a confidence value of .94 questionnaire. Data were collected from the sample of 400 consumers in Nonthaburi province. Data were processed by statistical programs and analyzed using statistics including percentage, mean, Standard Deviation, Independent Sample t-test and One-Way ANOVA.

The results of this research indicated as follows: 1) Overall attitude of the sample towards food packaging was at a high level. Especially, an item “the chosen packaging was durable and the product quality was guaranteed.” was at a high level. 2) Overall attitude of the sample towards food packaging utility was at a high level.  When individual aspects were considered, place was at a high level. 3) In terms of comparing attitude towards food packaging selection, classified by personal factors, the sample with different occupation, educational level, marital status, frequency of cooking, preservation container, and food storing place had different attitude towards food packaging selection with a statistical significance level of .05. 4) In terms of comparing attitude towards food packaging utility, classified by personal factors, the sample with different gender, age, and container had different attitude towards food packaging utility at the statistical significance level of .05.

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How to Cite
Srichannil, S. (2020). Consumers’ Attitude in Nonthaburi towards Food Packaging and Utility. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(2), 85–96. retrieved from


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