The Operational Efficiency of the Investigative Officers, Bangkok Metropolitan Command Police Headquarter, Office of Royal National Police

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Police Captain Montri Khamkhao
Vichit Boonsanong


This research has a prime objective to study and compare the operational efficiency of the investigative police officers in the Bangkok Metropolitan Command Police Headquarter, ORNP. For the method of study, it utilizes a quantitative survey of 315 sampled investigative police officers in the area and used standard statistical procedures of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and One-way ANOVA for data analysis.

The results found that the overall operational efficiency of the investigative police officers is approximately at a high level.  In breaking down into key dimensions of as for the Workload that has been assigned, working process and the results from the operation, it found that all average operational efficiencies were at high levels. For the test of hypothetical relationships between the operational efficiency of investigative police officers and their personal factors, this research found that in differences with gender and age, while educational level and work unit attachment indicated some differences at .05 statistical significance level.

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How to Cite
Khamkhao , P. C. M., & Boonsanong, V. (2020). The Operational Efficiency of the Investigative Officers, Bangkok Metropolitan Command Police Headquarter, Office of Royal National Police. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(2), 73–84. retrieved from


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