The Training Course Curriculum Development of Thai Herb and Cosmetic Business for the Community Enterprise

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Akrarapad Chanajindasopon
Wanchai Panjan
Ittipaat Suwathanpornkul
Ekasit Sanamthong
Chumpon Rodjam


The objective of this research were to study the needs regarding Thai herbal cosmetics business develop a Thai herbal cosmetic business training course and evaluate the Thai herbal cosmetics business training course. Conducting 3 steps of research: 1) Studying needs by surveying the basic information needs of the Thai herbal cosmetics business and in-depth interviews with 11 experts, namely, the minister who sets out the village fund policy, 1 person and 10 executives in the Thai herbal cosmetics business, 2) Assess curriculum outline and try out the curriculum outline and 3) evaluate the training course by evaluating from representatives of 30 community enterprise, 1 person for each community, a total of 30 people. Found that: 1) The demand for Thai herbal cosmetics business is knowledge about planning, budgeting, supervision and business operation basic knowledge about herbs in different regions to be used as ingredients of herbal cosmetics. Training for understanding of marketing, packaging design including channels distribution and continuously develop members in community enterprises in order to build capacity for members, 2) Curriculum development is the operation of Thai herbal cosmetics business Thai herbal cosmetics marketing and human resource management, 3) The results show that the trainers have the highest level of satisfaction. Learning scores of the trainers after training is higher than before training. After 8 weeks of training, there was more learning behavior than after training. And with more training results than after the training.

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How to Cite
Chanajindasopon, A., Panjan, W., Suwathanpornkul, I., Sanamthong, E., & Rodjam, C. (2020). The Training Course Curriculum Development of Thai Herb and Cosmetic Business for the Community Enterprise. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(2), 57–72. retrieved from


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