Administrators’ Role in Leadership Development of Teachers Under the Phetchaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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Kedsuda Ratchadawisitkul
Jutharat Nirundorn


The purposes of this research were to: 1) examine administrators’ role in leadership development of teachers under the Phetchaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 as perceived by teachers, and 2) make a comparison of teachers’ perception towards administrators’ role in teachers’ leadership development as classified by school size.  The study sample were 201 primary school teachers under the Phetchaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The instrument used for collecting the data was a questionnaire on administrators’ role in teachers’ leadership development. The statistics used for analyzing the collected data included mean, standard deviation and One-Way ANOVA.

The research findings revealed that, as perceived by primary school teachers under the Phetchaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, the administrators’ role in teachers’ leadership development was practiced at high level. The listed mean scores in order included encouraging teachers to be transformational leaders, enhancing teachers’ teaching and learning competencies, promoting team work and participation in school administration. Furthermore, it was also found that, as classified by school size, the teachers’ perception towards the school administrators’ teacher leadership development was not different.

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Ratchadawisitkul, K., & Nirundorn, J. (2020). Administrators’ Role in Leadership Development of Teachers Under the Phetchaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(2), 14–26. Retrieved from


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