Representation of Woman through Thai Films

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ภัทรวดี ไชยชนะ
องอาจ สิงห์ลำพอง


This research was a qualitative research, which has an objective to analyze story-telling structure of women in Thai movies, as well as to analyze factors which represent women in Thai movies. There are 7 Thai movies that we've picked from 1957 to 2017 which are the following, Rak-ritsaya (1957), Sureerat Longhon (1961), Khao Nok Na (1975), Nuanchawee (1985) Peang Rao...Mee Rao (1991) The Letter (2004) and Bad Genius (2017) The method that we used to analyzed the data is 'Textual analysis' from the result, we've found that all the movies have 7 factors of story-telling, which present the story with a prologue are all present in these movies on the factors of times, geography, economic, social structure, culture, morality, conflict between two individuals, conflict with in ones own mind and conflict between human and society. We also adopted political economic and culture to analyze how women represent in these movies, which we've found that the most common female represent image is represent image of women who have a desire for love found in 5 movies, Followed by represent women physically and mentally abused in 4 movies, represent women who obsessed with virginity found 4 movies, represent of woman who has a role in working outdoors found in 3 movies, represent of woman who has a role in working in the house found in 3 movies, represent of sexually abused female agents found in 2 movies, represent of women who have leadership roles found in 2 movies, represent of a compassionate woman found in 2 movies, represent of woman their desired to take care of the parents found in 2 movies, The least is represent of women who believe that a step-mother and a step-daughter can never get along, want to be accepted in society, wealth and fortune found in 1 movie.

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How to Cite
ไชยชนะ ภ. . ., & สิงห์ลำพอง อ. (2019). Representation of Woman through Thai Films. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(supplement), 130–143. retrieved from


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