Promoting Over Nutrition Management of Primary School Students in Schools under the Nonthaburi Municipality Nonthaburi Province

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Jirawan Raksachon
Sakesun Manawiroj


This research aimed to promote Administration overweight. The administration overnutrition compare the promotion of nutritional excess. And compare the characteristics of over nutrition management. The sample groups were 116 teacher and school administrators of schools in Nonthaburi Municipality by simple random sampling.  The data were collected by 5 range-rating-scale-questionnaire with Index of item-Objective Congruence (IOC) 0.99. The descriptive statistics were used in this study by showing general information with percentage, mean, t-test, One-way ANOVA, LSD and content analysis.The results showed that: 1) Promoting Over Nutrition Management of administrators and teachers in schools under the Nonthaburi Municipality in the overall is at a high level ( = 3.99, SD = 0.27) and when considering each aspect found that it is at a high level in all aspects. 2) The management of overweight administrators and teachers in schools under the Nonthaburi Municipality in the overall is at a high level ( = 4.01, SD = 0.21) and when considering each aspect found that it is at a high level in all aspects. There are no differences in opinions on the promotion of nutritional administration. Except education levels are different there are different opinions on promoting nutritional administration. And the comparison of the characteristics of over nutritional administration of administrators and teachers when classified by gender, age, educational level, it was found that administrators and teachers with different gender, age, and educational level There are different levels of practice with statistical significance at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Raksachon, J., & Manawiroj, S. (2020). Promoting Over Nutrition Management of Primary School Students in Schools under the Nonthaburi Municipality Nonthaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(1), 174–185. retrieved from


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