The Service Quality of Accounting Offices in Phuket

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Sopaphan Chaipat


The purpose of this research were study to: 1) The general information of accounting offices in Phuket. 2) The service quality of accounting offices in Phuket. and 3) Comparing the service quality classified by general information of accounting offices in Phuket. The sample consisted of 152 accounting offices in Phuket. The material was questionnaire. The data were analyzed of Frequency, Percentage, Standard Deviation, Analysis of Variance and the difference test of Mean. The results found that mostly accounting offices in Phuket were limited companies. The number of customers was not more than 50 people. Accounting services had been more than 5 years, but not over 10 years. There are more than 2 assistant accountants, but not more than 5 people. All employees worked in full time and high Vocational certificate in education background. The data analyze on the service quality of accounting offices in Phuket by overall showed that the service quality of accounting offices in Phuket was in high level such as the response to customer, the confidence of customer, the reliability of accounting office, the care and attention for customers and the image of accounting office respectively. The results of the service quality classified by general information of accounting offices in Phuket that the differences of as follows; the accounting office format, the number of customer, the duration time for service, the number of assistant accountants, the operation of accounting assistants, the educational qualifications of accounting assistants affected to the different in service quality at the statistically significances of .05

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How to Cite
Chaipat, S. (2020). The Service Quality of Accounting Offices in Phuket. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(1), 110–121. retrieved from


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