Organizational Culture Affecting Happy Workplace of The Teacher in School under Nongkhai Primary Educational Service Area 1

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ทัศนีย์ พงษ์สุพรรณ
ประพรทิพย์ คุณากรพิทักษ์


The purposes of this research were to: 1) study the Happy Workplace level of teachers 2) study the Organizational Culture level of teachers 3) study the relationship between Organizational Culture and the Happy Workplace of teachers and 4) to create Forecasting of Organizational Culture affecting Happy Workplace of teachers in schools Under the Nong Khai Primary Educational Service Area 1. The sample group was 316 teachers, using stratified random sampling. The tool is a questionnaire 5 level estimation scale. Data analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation Correlation coefficient And stepwise multiple regression analysis The results of the research were as follows: 1) The Happy Workplace of teachers, in the high level 2) organizational culture factors of teachers, in the high level Statistical significance at the level of .01 and 4) organizational culture factors can predict together the Happy Workplace of teachers, a significant level of .01. Predictive equations below. Forecast equation in general score Y = 1.861 + .387(VAL) + .112(CON) + .099(HER) Equation in the standard score Z = .560(VAL) + .174(CON) + .125(HER)

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How to Cite
พงษ์สุพรรณ ท., & คุณากรพิทักษ์ ป. (2020). Organizational Culture Affecting Happy Workplace of The Teacher in School under Nongkhai Primary Educational Service Area 1. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(3), 218–231. retrieved from


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