The Development of the Mathematics Learning Achievement on Addition of Two Numbers with a Result no More Than 9 by Using 3D Addition Model for Pratomsuksa 1 Students, Suratthani Provincial Administrative Organization School 2 (Bandonkliang)

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กมลชนก ศรีนวน
นันทชัย วิสมิตตนันท์
นิศากร แก้วน้อย
วลัยลักษณ์ สุขาทิพย์
สุดารัตน์ อ่อนเคร็ง
ทรงศรี ชำนาญกิจ


The objectives of this research were to improve 3D addition model for Pratomsuksa 1 students and to compare the mathematics learning achievement on addition of two numbers with a result no more than 9 between pretest and posttest by using 3D addition model. The sample in the research consisted of 25 students who were studying in Pratomsuksa 1/1 at Suratthani Provincial Administrative Organization School 2 (Bandonkliang), selected by cluster random sampling. There were 3 instruments; 1) 3D addition model 2) 2 lesson plans of addition of two numbers with a result no more than 9 (each lesson plan teaches 50 minutes). 3) 2 the mathematics learning achievement tests of addition of two numbers with a result no more than 9; 15 items of 4 multiple choices and 5 items of matching. All of instruments had its content validity. The data were analyzed to improve 3D addition model by using the efficiency (E1/E2) and analyzed to compare the mathematics learning achievement between pretest and posttest by using t-test for Independent Samples. The research findings showed that: 1) The efficiency of 3D addition model was 90.0/89.8. 2) The mathematics learning achievement on addition of two numbers with a result no more than 9 of posttest by using 3D addition model was higher than pretest significant at .01 levels.

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ศรีนวน ก., วิสมิตตนันท์ น., แก้วน้อย น., สุขาทิพย์ ว., อ่อนเคร็ง ส., & ชำนาญกิจ ท. (2020). The Development of the Mathematics Learning Achievement on Addition of Two Numbers with a Result no More Than 9 by Using 3D Addition Model for Pratomsuksa 1 Students, Suratthani Provincial Administrative Organization School 2 (Bandonkliang). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(3), 193–205. retrieved from


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