The Comparison of Lifestyles of Undergraduate Students in Private Universities in Bangkok and Countryside

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พจมาลย์ สกลเกียรติ


The main purpose of this research were to: 1) study factor of lifestyles of undergraduate students at private universities in Bangkok and the countryside in three aspects, and 2) compare campus lifestyles of undergraduate students at private universities in Bangkok and the countryside in three aspects including learning, society, and university activity participation. The randomly selected samples consisted of 366 undergraduate students from 4 private universities enrolling in the academic year 2012. The instrument used for data collection was a five-point rating scale questionnaire on learning, society and university activity participation. The findings revealed that (1) learning behaviors of students from private universities in Bangkok and the countryside were categorized into 7 components including attention, knowledge enhancement, confidence building, discipline, curiosity, lack of interest, and concentration; social behaviors of students from private universities in Bangkok and the countryside were categorized into 6 components including not being themselves, limit themselves, sociability, social culture, friends, and seniority; university activity participation behaviors of students from private universities in Bangkok and the countryside were categorized into 3 components including civic responsibility, narrow-mindedness, and involvement. (2) Three aspects of campus lifestyles of undergraduate students were at a moderate level. (3) Three aspects of campus lifestyles were not significantly different at .05 level.

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How to Cite
สกลเกียรติ พ. (2020). The Comparison of Lifestyles of Undergraduate Students in Private Universities in Bangkok and Countryside. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(3), 101–114. retrieved from


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