Factors Affecting the Performance Management of Private Vocational College

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ชนิตา เอี่ยมสะอาด
ตระกูล จิตวัฒนากร
อนันต์ ธรรมชาลัย


The Objective of this study was to study the factors affecting the performance management of private vocational college, samples including director or vice. Director of Private Vocational College of 196. Tools used in the data scale 5 level. With the confidence that 0.97 statistics used to mean ( ) and standard deviation (SD) coefficient of correlation between the right effort; (Pearson Product high Moment Correlation Coefficient) and multiple regression analysis; (Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis) It was found that: The Management of Private Vocational College 4 aspect in every aspect, at the highest level, including mission college operation. Consistent with the vision, Objectives are consistent with the college. Strategies are linked to the vision and mission. And policy, emphasizing the benefits of stakeholders. The performance management of Private Vocational Colleges, including the finance budget for special activities management process within the College, The good governance in the administration of the students, entrepreneurs, parents, college students have a focus on creating quality and. Learning and Growth by Personnel involved in the development of college. The relationship between management. The performance management of Private Vocational College found that managerial factors correlated by statistical significance (r = 0.63). The significant 0.05 the forecasting performance management of Private Vocational College, The administration of private vocational college, it was found that the variable objectives (X2) and policy (X4) can predict the 63. (R2. = 0.63)

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How to Cite
เอี่ยมสะอาด ช., จิตวัฒนากร ต., & ธรรมชาลัย อ. (2020). Factors Affecting the Performance Management of Private Vocational College. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(3), 43–57. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/237757


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