Development of Learning resource bank for Graduate Diploma in Teaching Profession

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นิติศักดิ์ ไพโรจน์


The purposes of this research were to; 1) collect the learning resource that involved in Innovation and Educational Information Technology course of Graduate Diploma in Teaching Profession, 2) evaluate the appropriateness of learning resource bank, and 3) evaluate the learners ’satisfaction of learning resource bank.

Research Methodology consist of 4 steps. First were design the learning resource bank by studied the pattern of learning resources bank from both domestically and internationally. Second were evaluate the appropriateness of learning resource bank by experts. Third step were applied the learning resources bank in teaching. And last step were evaluate the learners ’satisfaction of learning resource bank.

The results of the study were gathered the learning resource bank that was collected online learning resources. The learning resource bank was arranged by topics and skills involved in the course. The subjects were divided into three topics: educational innovation (16 medias), database and learning network (16 medias) including learning media assessment (16 medias). Each topic consisted of four types of media: knowledge document (12 medias), slide and animation (9 medias), video (13 medias) and website (14 medias) banks. Furthermore, the learning resource bank which was assessed by experts revealed that it was rated at the highest level (mean = 4.63) and the learners’ satisfaction was rated at a high level. (mean = 4.35)

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How to Cite
ไพโรจน์ น. (2019). Development of Learning resource bank for Graduate Diploma in Teaching Profession. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(supplement), 225–237. retrieved from


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