The Guidelines of Participatory Administration Development for School Administrators under The Office of Nongbualamphu Educational Service Area 1

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คมสัน แข็งแอ


The purposes of this research were to; 1) study the participatory management of school administrators in schools under the Nong Bua Lamphu Primary Educational Service Area Office 1; and 2) find the guidelines to develop participatory management of school administrators In schools under the office of Nong Bua Lam Phu Primary Educational Service Area 1. Phase 1: The study of participatory management of school administrators in schools under the Nong Bua Lamphu Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, the sample of this study were 310 teachers. The tool used was a questionnaire. The data was analyzed by means and standard deviation (SD). Phase 2: Finding guidelines to develop participatory management of school administrators in schools under the Nong Bua Lamphu Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, who provided information from a specific selection of 12 people. The tool used is the evaluation form to confirm the guidelines. Data analysis by percentage.

The research found that; 1) the participatory management of school administrators in schools under the Nong Bua Lamphu Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 was at a high level. 2) the guidelines for the development of participatory management of school administrators in schools under the office of Nong Bua Lamphu Primary Educational Service Area 1, were below: 1) Setting goals and objectives together, there were guidelines for development, Consultation meeting establish a shared vision and review after work. 2) commitment, there were management of motivation to work good interpersonal skills and participation in decision making. 3) The independence of responsibility in the job, there were guidelines for development, which were task assignments and delegation of powers to make decisions for everyone to participate in determining the main workload and evaluating together. 4) The mutual trust there was guidelines for development, with support for each other have a strong team building strengthen work skills and create morale in the workplace.

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How to Cite
แข็งแอ ค. (2019). The Guidelines of Participatory Administration Development for School Administrators under The Office of Nongbualamphu Educational Service Area 1. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(supplement), 181–195. retrieved from


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