The Use of Information Technology in Learning Management for Teachers of the Deaf Schools in The Central Region

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ฐาปณี นาคภูมิ
ศรีสมร พุ่มสะอาด
กัลยรัตน์ หล่อมณีนพรัตน์


This survey research aimed to examine; 1) the uses of information technology in learning management for secondary teachers of the Deaf Schools, 2) compare the use of information technology in learning management between lower secondary teachers and higher secondary teachers of the Deaf Schools, and 3) investigate the problems and limitation in using information technology in learning management for secondary teachers of the Deaf Schools. The sample group consisted of 33 Thai teachers; 19 of them teaching in lower secondary levels and the other 14 teaching in higher secondary levels at the Deaf Schools in the Central region. The research instruments included survey questionnaire and structured interview. The analysis was done by using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation as well as Mann-Whitney U for a comparison of information technology use.

The results showed that; 1) the uses of information technology in learning management for secondary teachers of the Deaf Schools for information searching, collecting, storing, developing work pieces and presenting were all in a high level. The teachers in both higher secondary levels and lower secondary levels used information technology for information searching and collecting the most; 2) the teachers in higher secondary levels appeared to use more information technology for all five purposes with statistical significance of .05, and 3) the problems and limitation in using information technology in learning management for secondary teachers of the Deaf Schools included (1) some teachers did not have enough computer knowledge and skills due to their age, lack of interest in technology, or lack of background knowledge in technology, (2) lack of resources; insufficient computer availability, and lack of Wi-Fi, (3) the communication problem and miscommunication between teachers and students particularly in using a sign language.

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How to Cite
นาคภูมิ ฐ., พุ่มสะอาด ศ., & หล่อมณีนพรัตน์ ก. (2019). The Use of Information Technology in Learning Management for Teachers of the Deaf Schools in The Central Region. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(supplement), 155–166. retrieved from


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