The Expectations and Perceptions of Foreign Tourists Regarding the Quality Services of Tuk Tuk in Phuket

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วัชรินทร์ เกิดทรัพย์


The purposes of this research were as follows: 1) to explore expectations of foreign tourists regarding the quality of Tuk Tuk 2) to investigate perceptions of foreign tourists regarding the quality of Tuk Tuk and 3) to compare the expectations and perceptions of foreign tourists regarding the quality of Tuk Tuk in Phuket. The samples were 384 foreign tourists by using simple random sampling method. The material was questionnaire. Data was analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, difference test by t-test.

The results found that; 1) The level of expectations of foreign tourists regarding the quality of Tuk Tuk for overall at a high level ( = 3.53, SD = 0.71) in terms of reliability, assurance, responsiveness respectively. 2) The level of perceptions of foreign tourists regarding the quality of Tuk Tuk for overall at a high level ( = 3.81, SD = 0.61) in terms of reliability, empathy, responsiveness respectively. 3) The comparison between foreign tourists’ expectations and perceptions to the quality of Tuk Tuk were different with statistical significance at the level of .05. This showed that in overall the tourists satisfied to the quality of Tuk Tuk. When considering in each factor, it found that tangibles, responsiveness and empathy were different with statistical significance at the level of .05. It indicated that the foreign tourists had perceptions more than expectations which showed that the foreign tourists satisfied on the quality of Tuk Tuk in mentioned factors.

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เกิดทรัพย์ ว. (2019). The Expectations and Perceptions of Foreign Tourists Regarding the Quality Services of Tuk Tuk in Phuket. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(2), 148–164. Retrieved from


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