Information Exposure Expectation and Services Marketing Mix Factors Affecting Decision for Car Care Services

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พนิดา ยมจันทร์


The purposes of this research were to study 1) the level of decision to choose the car maintenance service center 2) the information exposure of consumers in Bangkok on the decision to use the car maintenance center service 3) the importance of service marketing mix 4) the differences in the decision to use the car maintenance center service classified by the demographic characteristics of the consumers. 5) the relationship of information perception and the decision to choose the service center. 6) the relationship of service marketing mix and decision to choose the car maintenance center.  The method was a quantitative research; by using a questionnaire as the tools in gathering the data.  The population used in this study was residing in various areas of Bangkok Metropolitan consisted of 400 persons with the average age from 18 - 60 years.  The statistics used for analyzing the data were frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA and correlation analysis.  It was found that study on the aspect of the demographic characteristics classified by income was rated high: ranging from 15,001 to 30,000 Baht, different occupations, marital status, single, occupation were employees of private companies, including samples, were in employees of private companies, including samples, and were in high level.  A Bachelor's degree graduates were higher than graduate degree level, thus resulting in a difference of demographic characteristics can be quite different, Information exposure and services marketing mix factors affecting decision for car care services.

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How to Cite
ยมจันทร์ พ. (2019). Information Exposure Expectation and Services Marketing Mix Factors Affecting Decision for Car Care Services. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(1), 214–224. retrieved from


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