Competency Development of the Employees in the Automotive Industry

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ณัฏฐวีร์ นุชเหลือบ
สุพรรษา ฉั่วตระกูล


The purpose of this research aimed to study the needs for competency development of the employees in the automotive industry compared by gender, age, education background, average income per month and career level.  The sampling group used in this research was 400 employees in the automotive industry.  The tools used in this research was the questionnaire.  The statistics used in the research were; the Percentage, Means, Standard Deviation, Chi - Square, t - test and One - way ANOVA with the statistical significance level of .05.  1) Overall the needs for competencies included 3 aspects: knowledge, skills and attributes were high level.  When considered in each aspect, it was found that the highest level of competencies were attributes, it showed that the attributes were the most employees in the automotive industry realized the importance of development competencies, followed by knowledge and skills.  2) For the comparison of the difference between the needs for competency development of the employees in the automotive industry with gender, education background, average income per month and career level found that overall was different with the statistical significance level of .05.  3) The analysis result of the relationship between the employees had opinions about development competencies depending on gender, age, education background, average income per month and career level.

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How to Cite
นุชเหลือบ ณ., & ฉั่วตระกูล ส. (2019). Competency Development of the Employees in the Automotive Industry. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(1), 187–200. retrieved from


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