Factors Influencing Organization Commitment of Staffs in the Government Sectors in North Eastern Thailand

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ณิชาพร ฤทธิบูรณ์


The purposes of this research were; 1) to study the factors influencing organization commitment of staffs in the government sectors in the Northeastern of Thailand in 3 dimensions such as (1) atmosphere at the workplace, (2) motivation programs support, (3) policy and administration programs); 2) to compare the organization commitment of staffs in the government sectors in overall and each factor classified by gender, age, education, and position; and 3) to propose the guidelines to develop the human resources in the government sectors leading to increase organizational commitment.  The questionnaire was the instrument of this research.  The cluster sampling method was applied.  The data was collected from staffs who worked in the government sectors in the Northeastern part of Thailand various from director, academic staffs, general staffs, full-time workers, and government employees.  The data was collected during March to May 2017.  The statistical techniques such as frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, multiple correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data.  The results showed; 1) undergraduate level of education, and general staffs have high level of organizational commitment in overall (3 dimensions). 2) The results of analysis to compare the factors influencing organizational commitment of staffs in the government sectors in each factors classified by gender; it was found that male/female and every education level groups have no different in all dimensions.  Age between 31 - 40 years old had most organizational commitment in atmosphere at the workplace, age between 41 - 50 years old had most organization commitment in support and motivation programs, and age between 51 - 60 years old have most organizational commitment in policy and administration programs.  The directors and general staffs had most organization commitment in policy and administration programs. Finally, the guideline to develop the human resources in the government sectors and lead to increase organizational commitment was focused on the policy and administration programs.  Each government sector should be clearly defined human resource programs and targets to develop human resources.  The effective human resource development plan and the transparency monitoring and evaluation programs were included.

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How to Cite
ฤทธิบูรณ์ ณ. (2019). Factors Influencing Organization Commitment of Staffs in the Government Sectors in North Eastern Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(1), 151–166. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/191611


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