The Effect of Customers’ Perceived on Value of Global Brands on Satisfaction and Loyalty, A case of Fashion Apparel Brands in Bangkok

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รัตติยา ศรีศิริรุ่ง


The objectives of this study were to study about customer perceived value (CPV) of global brands and its relationships with customer satisfaction, factors that could predict satisfaction and customer loyalty and its path analysis and finally to study about CPV affecting on different groups of customers in fashion clothes which were sold in department stores at affordable prices.  The samples of this study were 408 respondents in Bangkok and they were selected by purposive sampling technique. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis were used to test hypotheses.  It was found that there was a medium positive relationship between CPV and satisfaction and the store experience had a strong relationship with satisfaction at the 0.01 level of significance.  Moreover, store experience, emotional value, image, social value, and service could predict customers satisfaction at 44.60%.  There was a significant positive relationship between satisfaction and loyalty and satisfaction could predict customer loyalty at 31.0%.  Different groups of customers perceived different value.

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ศรีศิริรุ่ง ร. (2019). The Effect of Customers’ Perceived on Value of Global Brands on Satisfaction and Loyalty, A case of Fashion Apparel Brands in Bangkok. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(1), 78–89. retrieved from


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