Qualitative Research in Community Health System Studies: Misconceptions and Distinguished Paradigm from Quantitative Research

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ประศักดิ์ สันติภาพ


Community health system is relational system that consists of various components for good health by collaborating community with other organizations focusing on self-care.  The community health system comprises of immense primary, secondary, tertiary care, medical care, alternative care, belief, culture, drug use, source of food, market, shop, clinic and drug store. Thus, the research synthesis to answer complicated community health research questions are base on qualitative research paradigm or phenomenalism, which differs from quantitative research paradigm or positivism.  These have held distinguish ideas about ontology, epistemology, methodology, goal, roles of researcher, sample, type of data, data analysis and report. Some misconceptions may lead to wrong research design and data analysis.  The research results will lack of depth, reliability and waste time, lose opportunity and lose money.  Thus, this article is proposed the different paradigms and misconceptions between qualitative and quantitative research, which leads to be correct and suitable community health system research.

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How to Cite
สันติภาพ ป. (2019). Qualitative Research in Community Health System Studies: Misconceptions and Distinguished Paradigm from Quantitative Research. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(1), 1–15. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/191538
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