The Efficiency of Car Tax Payment Service (Drive thru for Tax) for Customers at Nonthaburi Provincial Land Transport Office

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จิราภรณ์ ศิวายพราหมณ์
ดวงตา สราญรมย์


The purposes of this research were; 1) to examine the efficiency of the car tax payment service (Drive Thru for Tax), and 2) to compare between personal factors and the efficiency of car tax payment service (Drive Thru for Tax) for customers of Nonthaburi Provincial Land Transport Office by using simple random sampling method about 386 people.  The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including percentage, mean, standard deviation and comparative statistics such as t-test independent, one-way ANOVA.  And when the statistical significant different testing was found, the difference was tested by LSD.

The findings indicated that the overall performance level of efficiency of car tax payment service (Drive Thru for Tax) was high.  When considering each aspect, the most effective and important aspect was the service process.  It was at high level.  Next, it was the behavior and service types, the service channel and the facility at high level.  The location and environment was at the moderate level and the public relations was the least important aspect.

Comparing the personal factors, the users with different sexes and education background, there was no difference of opinion on the efficiency of car tax payment service (Drive Thru for Tax) in every aspect.  The users with different ages had different opinions of car tax payment service in every aspect except the location and environment.  The users with different occupation had different opinions of car tax payment service in every aspect.  The users with different income had opinions on the efficiency of car tax payment service (Drive Thru for Tax) in public relation, facility, behavior and service types, service channel with a statistically significant different at .05.

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ศิวายพราหมณ์ จ., & สราญรมย์ ด. (2019). The Efficiency of Car Tax Payment Service (Drive thru for Tax) for Customers at Nonthaburi Provincial Land Transport Office. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(3), 191–202. retrieved from


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