The Effects of SQ4R Teaching Method on English Reading Comprehension of the Second Year Diploma Students in Business Computer at Nan Technical College

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ปิยธิดา ยะเคียน
จิตติมา กาวีระ


The purposes of the study were; 1) to examine the effects of SQ4R teaching method on English reading comprehension, and 2) to investigate the students’ satisfaction towards the SQ4R teaching method. The subjects consisted of second year 26 students of diploma students in business computer at Nan Technical College in the course 3000-1203 English on the Job in the second term of the academic year 2017. The research instruments consisted of 1) 8 learning management plans; 2) achievement test compared between before and after using the SQ4R teaching method; and 3) the questionnaire on satisfaction towards the SQ4R teaching method. The data analysis consisted of 1) analysis of the achievement test results compared between before and after using the teaching method by using mean, standard deviation and t-test independent sample; and 2) analysis of the data from the questionnaire by using mean and standard deviation. The research results revealed that there was a significant difference of the achievement test results of English reading comprehension compared between before and after the SQ4R teaching method with the level of .05.  In regards to the students’ satisfaction towards the SQ4R teaching method, it was reported that all aspects were rated in the highest level.

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ยะเคียน ป., & กาวีระ จ. (2019). The Effects of SQ4R Teaching Method on English Reading Comprehension of the Second Year Diploma Students in Business Computer at Nan Technical College. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(3), 141–152. retrieved from


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