Attributes of Community Leaders and Churchwardens toward the Desirable Leadership Traits of Sangha in Bangkok Metropolis

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พระมหาเอกลักษณ์ เวชกามา


This study aimed to study; 1) the role of Sangha on monastic administration, 2) attitudes of community leaders and churchwardens towards the desirable leadership traits, 3) to compare the attributes between community leaders and churchwardens on the role of Sangha’s monastic administration and desirable leadership, and 4) to study of the relationship between the role of Sangha’s monastic administration and desirable leadership.  The sample group was 252 people (126 community leaders and 126 churchwardens) classified by 6 districts in Bangkok Metropolis. The research was a quantitative research operated by surveying and qualitative information by interviewing.  The questionnaire was used as a research tools.  The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test independent, One-way ANOVA, LSD and Pearson Correlation Coefficient.  The results revealed that: 1) Community leaders had attitudes towards the role of Sangha’s monastic administration management and desirable leadership traits at the moderate level, 2) Churchwardens had attitudes towards the role of Sangha’s monastic administration management and desirable leadership traits at very high level, 3) Sex and Age of sample group had no affection attitudes towards the role of Sangha’s monastic administration management but the education background and work experiences did, 4) Community leaders and Churchwardens had different attitudes towards the role of Sangha’s monastic administration management, 5) Sex, Age and work experiences of community leaders and churchwardens had no effect on attitudes towards desirable leadership traits of Sangha in Bangkok Metropolis but education has, 6) Community leaders and Churchwardens had no different attitudes towards desirable leadership traits of Sangha in Bangkok, and 7) Role of Sangha’s monastic administration management was in a relation with the attitudes of Community leaders and Churchwardens towards desirable leadership traits of Sangha in Bangkok Metropolis.

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How to Cite
เวชกามา พ. (2019). Attributes of Community Leaders and Churchwardens toward the Desirable Leadership Traits of Sangha in Bangkok Metropolis. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(3), 43–58. retrieved from


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