The Formation of Sakon Nakhon Urban Planning in Early Rattanakosin Period

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อนุวัฒน์ การถัก


The purpose of this article were; 1) to investigate the development in urban planning of Sakon Nakhon during the Early Rattanakosin Period and, 2) to study the relationship between urban planning change of Sakon Nakhon and its context shaping Sakon Nakhon urban planning in the Early Rattanakosin Period.

The results of the study revealed that the town plan of Sakon Nakhon was mainly formed by geographical factors in combination with beliefs, culture, and form of government, which resulted in the formation of temple-centered communities scattering all over the high grounds with in Sakon Nakhon Old Town area.  This indicated that the town plan was adjusted to meet geographical features and social and cultural needs and the pattern remained the same up to the present. Data obtained from this research study could be used to develop the city in various aspects, such as town planning, community conservation, and planning of public utilities.

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How to Cite
การถัก อ. (2019). The Formation of Sakon Nakhon Urban Planning in Early Rattanakosin Period. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(3), 1–13. retrieved from
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