Factors influencing quality of work life of Nonthaburi Provincial Police Officers

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ธงชัย สังผอม, ร.ต.อ.
พิชิต รัชตพิบุลภพ


This research aimed to; 1) compare the quality of life in performing work classified by the personal status of provincial police officers in Nonthaburi Province 2) examine the relationship between the factors of acknowledgement of the organization’s atmosphere and the factors of work and the quality of life in performing work of provincial police officers in Nonthaburi Province and 3) examine the influences of the factors of the acknowledgement of the organization’s atmosphere and the factors of work on the quality of life in performing work of provincial police officers in Nonthaburi Province The sample used in the study included 323 provincial police officers in Nonthaburi Province.  The tool used was questionnaire.  The statistics used in information analysis included Frequency, Percentage, Average, Standard Deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Scheffé test, and Multiple Regression Analysis: Enter Method.

The findings of the research revealed that 1) The quality of life in performing work of the provincial police officers in Nonthaburi Province was overall high.Divided by the variables according to gender, education level, current position, and age, different types of work did not have different quality of life in performing work.  The personal status of the provincial police officers in Nonthaburi Province with different age and monthly income had different quality of life in performing work at the statistical significance of .05 2) The factors of acknowledgement of the organization’s atmosphere and the factors of work had positive relationship with the quality of life in performing work and 3) The variables had the influences to forecast the quality of life in performing work of provincial police officers in Nonthaburi Province.  The factors of the acknowledgement of the organization’s atmosphere included structure, recognition, and commitment.  The structure variable was the most influential and positive.  The factors of work included satisfaction in performing work, balanced life, intra-organizational communication, and stress in performing work.  The balanced life variable was the most influential and positive.

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How to Cite
สังผอม ธ., & รัชตพิบุลภพ พ. (2018). Factors influencing quality of work life of Nonthaburi Provincial Police Officers. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(supplement), 196–207. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/159638


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