The Service Quality of Police Station in City District Nonthaburi Province

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ปรมัทร์ ขันแก้ว
พิชิต รัชตพิบุลภพ


The research objectives were; 1) to study the level of the service quality of police stations in city district Nonthaburi province, 2) to compare the level of the service quality of police stations in city district Nonthaburi province classification with personal factors, 3) to study behavior of the service quality Influencing the service quality police station in city district Nonthaburi province.  The survey research was done with 769 people through simple random sampling.  The research instrument was questionnaire and analyzed research data by using the statistics such as frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA and multiple regressions.  The research results showed that: 1) The service quality was in well - level, the general services was the highest level followed by control and traffic management and life security and property, 2) the result of the relationship study between personal fundamentals and the service quality showed that education and income per month was statically significant and the service quality level was at .05, 3) the influence of relationship of the service quality level showed the number of contacts had a positive relationship at .05 level.  The relationship of the service quality was at 58.0 percent.  The metamorphosis variable of the service quality was at 86.8 percent.

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How to Cite
ขันแก้ว ป., & รัชตพิบุลภพ พ. (2018). The Service Quality of Police Station in City District Nonthaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(supplement), 174–184. retrieved from


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