Logistics Management for Tourism in Nonthaburi Province

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สุภัสสรา ปัญโญรัฐโรจน์


The objectives of this research were; to study the logistics management system for tourism in Nonthaburi province; to study the logistics management for tourism in Nonthaburi province and to study the logistics management factor for tourists’ satisfaction.  The samples were 520 samples in 3 groups; 400 tourists, 60 people in community, and 60 entrepreneurs.  The results of research were as followed; The tourists were satisfied with the factors of tourism logistics in Nonthaburi province in moderate level.  The expense satisfaction was in high level.  The tourists’ needs were to develop more tourist attractions, more suitable parking, and more guide signs.  The opinion of community in tourist attraction and the readiness in logistic management were totally in moderate.  The opinion was the highest in road improvement, improved the guide signs and people cooperate in community for improved the landscape in tourist attraction respectively.  The community needs to support the OTOP local products for more community careers.  They needed help from government to improve the community for stay and tourism.  The opinions of entrepreneurs in readiness in logistic management were totally in moderate level.  The suggestions’ needed more public relation on tourism and customers to spend on products and services.  They needed new tourist attractions for more income for community and the entrepreneurs.

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How to Cite
ปัญโญรัฐโรจน์ ส. (2018). Logistics Management for Tourism in Nonthaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(supplement), 151–161. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/159626


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