The Effects of Learning and Teaching Activity Management Using Group Investigation by Integrating Contemplative Education in the course Classroom Management Course and Learning Resource Centre for Education Program, School of Education, University of Phayao

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โสภา อำนวยรัตน์


The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of learning and teaching activity management using Group Investigation by integrating contemplative education in Classroom Management Course and Learning Resource Centre for Education Program students, School of Education, University of Phayao.  The population of this study were 60 students who enrolled in the course Classroom Management and Learning Resource Centre, Education Program, School of Education, University of Phayao, in the third semester, academic year 2015 (AEC).  The research instruments were the questionnaires of learning and teaching activity management and were analyzed by using means (m) and standard deviation (σ), and learning log of students which was analyzed by using content-based analysis.  The results of the study showed that; 1) the effects of learning and teaching activity management, the overall result was in a high level and, when comparing each aspect, the aspect “the learners were able to express their opinions reasonably and creatively” was in the highest level and; 2) the effects for the management of four learning and teaching activities revealed that it was very useful for the learners, and the learners were able to practice thinking skill, concentration, to plan for their future, to listen to ideas from others, to understand better to improve, to enjoy to join the activities, and had no stress.

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อำนวยรัตน์ โ. (2018). The Effects of Learning and Teaching Activity Management Using Group Investigation by Integrating Contemplative Education in the course Classroom Management Course and Learning Resource Centre for Education Program, School of Education, University of Phayao. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(supplement), 98–109. retrieved from


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