The Curriculum Management Process Based on The Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in University by Business Intelligence

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สุวรรณา ตรงต่อศักดิ์
ปณิตา วรรณพิรุณ


The purposes of this research were; 1) to develop the curriculum management process based on the Thai qualifications framework for higher education in university by business intelligence, 2) to evaluate the curriculum management process based on the Thai qualifications framework for higher education in university by business intelligence.  The research was divided into 2 phases: 1) to develop the curriculum management process based on the Thai qualifications framework for higher education in university by business intelligence, 2) to evaluate the curriculum management process based on the Thai qualifications framework for higher education in university by business intelligence.  The sample of this research consisted of 7 experts who had experience not less than 3 years were selected by using purposive sampling method.  Arithmetic mean and standard deviation were used in this research;

The research found that;

  1. Curriculum management process based on the Thai qualifications framework for higher education in university by business intelligence including 4 steps which were business intelligence planning, business intelligence operating, business intelligence checking and business intelligence activating.

  2. There are comments from the 7 experts who evaluated the appropriateness of the curriculum management process based on the Thai qualifications framework for higher education in university by business intelligence that the appropriateness of this process was high.

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How to Cite
ตรงต่อศักดิ์ ส., & วรรณพิรุณ ป. (2018). The Curriculum Management Process Based on The Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in University by Business Intelligence. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(supplement), 45–54. retrieved from


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