Management to Increase the Efficiency of Private Vocational Colleges

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ชนิตา เอี่ยมสอาด


The objective of this article was to study the optimization management of private vocational colleges. According to the policy, the government encourages the institutions in vocational level developing students with strong knowledge background and abilities, skills to meet the needs of competitive labor market, the promotion of private vocational college personnel to enhance skills and expertise, and teaching efficiency, under the management of Vocational Colleges in the high changing environment in digital era.  To increase effective management required analysis of the factors affecting light.  Three succeeded in achieving the goal of increasing the number of students in the vocational college career in private, vocation which colleges, at present, it might tend to decrease.  And to find the ways of development and increase efficiency in the operation of private vocational college which needed to use and better processes for the progress of the Private Vocational College.

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เอี่ยมสอาด ช. (2018). Management to Increase the Efficiency of Private Vocational Colleges. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(supplement), 37–44. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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