Digital Technology Management for Competitive Advantage among Private Higher Education Institutions in Thailand

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ไพศาล จันทรังษี


In the present day, digital technology is rapidly developed; as a result, it has an impact from the social and economic within Digital Technology toward changing around the world. Education is one of the factors that has an important role of produce graduates who can respond to the digital-technology change. However, because the proportion between an existing students and the number of increasing educational institute is imbalance, an educational competition is unavoidable.  An educational management in order to attract student recruitment competition, particularly for the private universities.  As far as educational competition is concerned, Private Higher Education Institutions in Thailand face the challenge of dealing with students, teaching facilities, staffs, teaching quality and curriculum improvement.  Moreover, an increasing work capacity of lecturers and staff, learning innovation and strategic management in order to satisfy students in terms of teaching quality and educational service must be made.  As the Thailand 4.0 strategy has been focused on an increasing of digital-technology personnel to serve the need for labor-force market, Thai educational institutions must adjust their strategic management to serve that need. Information, communication and digital technology must be adopted to create a database system for strategic management and knowledge management.  This will serve those change and will lead   competitive advantage as a result.

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จันทรังษี ไ. (2018). Digital Technology Management for Competitive Advantage among Private Higher Education Institutions in Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(supplement), 22–36. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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