Solutions to Reduce Overnutrition of Students in Vocational Programme at Chitralada School

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วีราภรณ์ คำนึง
ชญาภัทร์ กี่อาริโย, ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.


The purposes of this research were to study and compare behavior, knowledge, and attitudes towards food consumption based on gender and BMI in order to promote the solutions to reduce overnutrition of students in vocational programme at Chitralada School in Bangkok (semester 1/2016).  The subject consists of 143 overnutrition students in vocational programme of Chitralada School selected by purposive sampling.  The research instrument was a questionnaire developed by a researcher on the solutions to reduce overnutrition of students in vocational programme at Chitralada School.  The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, and standard deviation (SD), and compared by t-test and One - way ANOVA with statistical significance at level .05.

The research outcomes revealed that overnutrition students in vocational programme at Chitralada School had food consumption behavior in good level, attitudes towards food consumption in unsure level, and knowledge towards food consumption in good level. Comparing food consumption behavior, attitudes toward food consumption, and knowledge towards food consumption based on gender and BMI, the results showed that female students had more knowledge than male students with statistical significance level of .05. The other two had no differences. The major solution to reduce overnutrition of students at Chirtalada School (Vocational Programme) was to educate students via posters and brochures.

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How to Cite
คำนึง ว., & กี่อาริโย ช. (2018). Solutions to Reduce Overnutrition of Students in Vocational Programme at Chitralada School. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(2), 115–126. retrieved from


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