The Professional Standards for Staffs in Food and Beverage Department of Hotel Business in Phuket Province

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ราตรีญา ขาวกลิบ


The purpose of this research was to compare the workers, performance in department of food and beverage service of hotel business in Phuket, based on professional standards, compare by sex, age, work experience.  The level of the hotel was the working department of food and beverage service of hotel business in Phuket.  The research sampling was 420 workers in department of food and beverage service of hotel business in Phuket.  The questionnaire was used to collect data.  The data was analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation Analysis of the difference and with t-test.

It was found that the study of opinions towards professional standards revealed that personnel department food and beverage service was mainly in overall good level and considering each aspect, it was found that the highest level of the professional standard was in level 1 followed by occupation standard level 3, the average final was the professional standard was at level 2 respectively.

The workers Department of food and beverage service of hotel business in Phuket was different among genders.  Overall, there was no statistically significant difference in age, work experience and hotel level at office.  Overall, the difference was statistically significant at .05 level.  More of those who perform the service department of food and beverage business in Phuket Hotel.  More feedback on occupational standard floor 1 was working services (Business Hotel) had service mind base, love the service.  In terms of Language skills in English or other languages, they could communicate with customers with accurate information and utilization.

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How to Cite
ขาวกลิบ ร. (2018). The Professional Standards for Staffs in Food and Beverage Department of Hotel Business in Phuket Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(2), 104–114. retrieved from


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