Marketing Management and Performance of SMEs in Nontaburi Province

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ฉัตยาพร เสมอใจ, ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.


This research aimed to study marketing management of SMEs in Nonthaburi province and their performance based on the characteristic of respondent and business; and to study the relationship between marketing management and their performance.  The researcher used a questionnaire to collect data from 400 entrepreneurs in Nontaburi province.  Descriptive statistics such as t-test, One - way ANOVA, Pearson Product Moment Correlation was employed to test the hypothesis.

The results showed that respondents who had different genders had different opinion on competitor analysis; different age, level of education, income and work experience had different opinion on marketing management execution and all aspects.  The different business characteristics had different marketing management execution in all aspects.

The respondents who had different genders had different opinion on business performance on customer aspect; different age had different opinion on business performances and all other aspects except customer aspect; different level of education, income and work experience had different opinions on business performance and all other aspects.  The different business characteristics had different performance and all other aspects; but a different kind of business had different performances on the customer aspect; and a different value of present asset had different business performance and process aspect, learning aspect and financial aspect.

The marketing management of SMEs in Nontaburi province had a high level of relationship with their business performance and the process aspect, learning aspect, financial aspect, and medium level of relationship with customer aspect.

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How to Cite
เสมอใจ ฉ. (2018). Marketing Management and Performance of SMEs in Nontaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(2), 77–92. retrieved from


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