Blue Economy Principle and Maritime National Interest of Thailand

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ดวงพร อุไรวรรณ, ดร.


Thailand's maritime zone on both west and east coasts is about 320,000 square  kilometers, and the seashore on the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea is approximately 3,000 kilometers from the maritime territory of more than half of the country's total territory.  As a result, the value of marine is a benefit for marine imports and exports, which is about 14,483 million Baht per year.  Therefore, the government or related agencies should pay attention to the development of marine policies and plans based - on the economic concept, blue economy principle should be integrated to achieve sustainability of the marine environment and to maintain its direct and indirect maritime interests. In addition, the importance of education.  Survey and research related to Maritime National Interest of Thailand, to create knowledgeable personnel and specialized expertise to lead to the development and utilization of sustainable marine resources and the value of Maritime National Interest of Thailand.

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How to Cite
อุไรวรรณ ด. (2018). Blue Economy Principle and Maritime National Interest of Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(2), 1–13. retrieved from
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