The Analytical Thinking Ability of The Undergraduate Students of Rajapruk University

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ชุติมา วัฒนะคีรี, รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.


The purpose of this research were for studying the Analytical thinking ability level to comparing the Analytical thinking ability of undergraduate students of Rajapruk University.  The university has classified the students by majors and levels.  Their thinking ability will be tested based on the combination of Bloom and Marcano’s critical thinking theories.  The sample group is 300 undergraduate students studying in 2nd semester of 2015 academic year at Rajapruk University, Bang-gruay, Nonthaburi.  Analyzing data will use frequency stats, percentage and using Scheffé's one-way ANOVA theory in the case of varying information occurs.  1) Overall undergraduate students, 38 students (12.70%) have got high level in critical thinking, 227 students (75.70%) as medium level and 35 (11.70%) low level.  2) The undergraduate students studying in the major that has test score from high to low level as follows: 9 general management students (3.00%), business management faculty are at high level.
63 business administration students (21.00%) are at medium level, business management faculty. 17 management students (5.80%), business management faculty are at low level.  3) The undergraduate students who have got critical thinking test scores in those 3 levels. The result is: 11 senior (3.70%) are at high level. 77 freshmen (25.70%) are at medium level.  Eleven seniors and 11 juniors (3.70%) are at low level.  4) There were significant differences between scores of the students from different majors and faculties at .05 significance level.  5) There is no significant difference due to the undergraduate students critical thinking ability score in different level.

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How to Cite
วัฒนะคีรี ช. (2018). The Analytical Thinking Ability of The Undergraduate Students of Rajapruk University. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 4(1), 101–110. retrieved from


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